Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dear So and So...

Ok, so I know it's not Friday, but this meme from fits my mood atm. I'm on my way out the door to pick up pizzas for everyone when I notice new damage to my poor sadly abused Jetta. Turn around, ask my dear darling husband about it & he tells me that if we've both just now noticed it, it must have happened in the Meijer parking lot the night before. That's just great.

~ Dear Deficient Driver,
            Can you please not live down to the stereotypical bad Michigan driver reputation and watch where you are going. It's a parking lot, not the German Autobahnen. As if I don't already have a lot of cosmetic work to do on my car...

                                                                                                             ~Yours truly,
                                                                                                                Slightly Peeved :-s

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